Spring Fling Saturday, April 5th | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Join us at Farley Community Church for games, food, inflatables, crafts, and more. *We need your help* *Sign-up sheets are outside of the front office* ** We are collecting nonchocolate candy donations and easter egg donations for Spring Fling. There is a collection box for these items outside of the front office. **
Manhood Journey April Dates April 6th & April 27th | 6:00 pm
Backpack Ministry April Dates April 9th & April 23rd
Secret Church Friday, April 11th | 5:30 pm - midnight *In the fellowship hall* Sign-up sheets are located on the bulletin board outside of the front office. Sign-up Deadline: Wednesday, April 9th What to bring: writing utensil, snack to share, and a comfortable seat
Gideons Garage Saturday, April 12th | 8:00 am Wednesday, April 30th | 5:30 pm
Library Work Day Saturday, April 12th | 9:00 am
Churchwide Communion Worship Service Wednesday, April 16th | 6:30 pm
Service of Shadows Friday, April 18th | Communion Service | 12:00 pm Friday, April 18th | Night of Worship | 6:30 pm
Pancake Breakfast ** In support of the Love Alaska Mission Trip ** Saturday, April 19th | 9:00 am *in the fellowship hall* | Cost: $8 Signup deadline: Wednesday, April 16th
Easter Sunday Sunday, April 20th Service Times: 9:30 am & 11:00 am
Ladies Morning Out Saturday, April 26th | 9:00 am Location: Just Love Coffee | 7900 Bailey Cove Road Come enjoy fellowship, breakfast and coffee with your Farley sisters.
Men's Breakfast Saturday, April 26th | 8:00 am
Alaska Meeting Sunday, April 27th | 12:00 pm
Business & Leadership Meeting Sunday, April 27th | 2:00 pm Youth Summer Camp May 28th - June 1st Registration Deadline: April 30th $75 Deposit Deadline: April 30th | Cost: $250 Register: on planning center, or scan the QR code located on the bulletin board outside of the front office.
** New Topical Sunday School class ** ** Beginning on April 13th We encourage you to join us for this 6-week study if you are not currently a part of a small group bible study class on Sunday mornings. 10:45 am | *in room A-206* “Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better” Brant Hansen (Unoffendable Study)
Building Fund We are increasing the quality of our facilities. In order to do so we need your support in contributing to the Building Fund. We appreciate your willingness to give and contribute to what God is doing at Farley.